I’m really excited to return to the Popcorn Finance podcast today to talk about how to choose the best travel credit card. There are so many credit card options available, but which one is best for you? We walk through the process of picking out the “right” credit card to help you reach your goals in about the time it takes to make a bag of popcorn.

In This Post
What is the Popcorn Finance Podcast?
The Popcorn Finance podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Chris Browning. He interviews guests to discuss personal finance topics in bite-sized episodes of around 10 minutes.
Basically, you’re going to learn something awesome in a short period of time. Whether you’re walking around the block, heading to the grocery store, or running some errands, the Popcorn Finance podcast is one you can dive into without fearing that you’ll run out of listening time before the episode is over.
This is my second time being on the show. Previously, I was on the show discussing the 5 simple steps to start travel hacking. Unfortunately, Chris had to break that show into two (episodes 48 & 49) because I got so excited and wouldn’t shut up about travel rewards.
And I set up a page for listeners of the Popcorn Finance podcast so that they can easily find resources to start them on their credit card / travel rewards journey.
How to choose the best travel credit card
I’m not going to spoil the episode and tell you everything about how to choose the best travel credit card, but I will say this…
Figure out your goals, then find the best credit card that will help you reach your goals. For example, Southwest is a great airline, but if you want to go to Europe, Asia, or Australia, they are not the airline for you.
Chris was kind enough to provide the code so you can listen right here on this page. But, if you’re like me and prefer to listen while out and about, here are the links for iTunes and Stitcher (Android).
And for more information about how to pick the best travel credit card, consider joining our free 7-day email course.
The Bald Thoughts
I love being a guest on intelligent podcasts like Chris’ Popcorn Finance. It is so fun to talk about travel and how saving money on your travel expenses can help you accelerate your debt payoff, save more money towards your goals, or afford to have more and better vacations.
What do you do with the money you save when using airline miles and hotel points to pay for travel expenses? How to do you choose the best travel credit card for your needs? I’d love to hear your feedback in the comment section below.
Thinking of getting a new credit card?
To see the best credit card offers available, go to our credit card marketplace to find your next card.