Reconsideration Calls

When you apply for credit cards, many times you will be automatically approved.  However, as your credit profile and number of cards in your wallet expand, you’ll eventually receive a decline and need to do some reconsideration calls to the bank.

The decline does NOT mean you won’t receive the card.  In fact, during my May 2013 App Party, all six of my applications were initially declined.  When I called the reconsideration line, we talked through the applications, and I’m happy to report that all six were approved upon reconsideration!!!


Before You Call, What’s Your Story

The only thing worse than getting denied is calling the reconsideration line without thinking through what you’re going to say.  Your objective is to get the agent on your side by being nice and explaining why you are a better credit risk than their first analysis showed.

You want to have answers to the following:

  • Why you applied for this card
    • ie: specific benefits like free checked bag and priority boarding on an airline


  • Why you need additional credit
    • ie: keeping work/business and personal expenses separate


  • Your interpretation of why you were declined
    • ie: too many recent inquiries


  • An alternate suggestion that may help them approve your application
    • ie: approve card by transferring credit limit and/or closing another card
    • ie: include spousal income on the application (if you live in a community property state)
    • ie: consider a minimum credit limit to show that you are credit worthy
    • ie: detail how you have a relationship with the bank, like a long-standing checking account


With these facts in hand, you’ll greatly enhance the chances of approval of your application.

American Express Credit Card Reconsideration Calls


Bank of America Credit Card Reconsideration Calls

  • They used to have phone numbers that you could call to discuss your application.  After trying every number I had and could find on other sites, I talked with someone at Customer Service.  BofA dropped all of their phone numbers, and you can no longer call in to verify status.  You have to use the link below or wait for the decision letter in the mail.
  • 866-422-8089 – try this number.  I was recently referred to it during my August 2014 app party when following up on my Alaska Airlines application.
  • Online application status link


Barclay’s Credit Card Reconsideration Calls

  • 866-408-4064 – credit card reconsideration


Chase Credit Card Reconsideration Calls

  • 888-245-0625 – personal credit card reconsideration (open 7 days a week)
  • 800-453-9719 – business credit card reconsideration (open Monday thru Friday)


Citibank Credit Card Reconsideration Calls

  • 800-763-9795 – credit card reconsideration line
    • some people report problems in speaking with their reps, but I’ve generally had good experiences
  • Although I haven’t had to resort to this (yet, fingers crossed!!!), some people suggest writing a letter to:
    • Citibank Executive Review Department, P.O.Box 6000, Sioux Falls, SD 57117


Discover Credit Card Reconsideration Calls

  • 888-676-3695 – credit card reconsideration line


US Bank Credit Card Reconsideration Calls

  • 800-947-1444 – credit card reconsideration calls line
  • 800-685-7680 – credit card underwriting


From time to time, the banks change these phone numbers.  If a link ever stops working or if you have numbers that work better for you, please send me an email or comment below, so I can update this page.  Thanks!

Good luck with your reconsideration calls!