Alaska Airlines Flight Pass, Worst Day to Fly, Use iPhone as ID at Airport Security

Alaska Airlines Captain Marvel livery
Alaska Airlines plane with Captain Marvel livery. Photo courtesy of Alaska Airlines.
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Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our research to share the best travel tips, tricks, and news with you. Here are the articles for Friday, December 30, 2022, that we think you should read.

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The Morning Shave

This Is the Single Best Way to Defend Yourself Against Airplane Germs.

Getting adequate sleep is the best advice, no matter what. However, for those of us who travel a lot (or have kids), we generally don’t get anywhere near the right amount of sleep. The second best option is to turn on the vents above you on full blast. This creates a little bit of a bubble around you with filtered air to keep the germs away.

Alaska Airlines New ‘Flight Pass’ Guarantees Cheaper Flights to Subscribers.

If you fly often enough, this promotion is definitely worth the money. However, it’s not the right choice for the occasional traveler, especially if you fly to cities that are beyond Alaska’s routes.

Photo courtesy of Alaska Airlines.
Photo courtesy of Alaska Airlines.

When will the ‘flightmare’ end? Airlines may not fully catch up until 2024.

The delays and cancellations will continue until the airlines can train enough new pilots. It’s “plane” and simple… during the early days of the pandemic, the airlines laid off or forced retirement on large numbers of pilots. While it was the right choice to stay in business, that decision is coming back to haunt them with travel demand reaching the same levels as 2019.

This is the Worst Day and Time to Fly. 

This is good information to have in case you need to be at an important meeting or event. However, if you’re hoping for compensation for a flight delay or cancellation, you can use this info to book appropriately.

TSA Is Now Allowing Some Passengers to Use Their iPhone to Get Through Security.

This technology went live in Phoenix, and may roll out to other airports once the beta testing results are in. To participate, you must have TSA PreCheck and then scan the front and back of your ID into the Apple Wallet app. Once you’re finished, you can use your iPhone or Apple Watch instead of your ID at airport security.

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