Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our research to share the best travel tips, tricks, and news with you. Here are the articles for Wednesday, September 4, 2024, that we think you should read.
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The Morning Shave
I Couldn’t Afford to Retire in the U.S. so I Moved to Spain at 70 Years Old — How I Did It.
Many Americans choose to live the ex-pat life to reduce costs in retirement, for a change of pace, or to experience a different culture. While this process may seem daunting, this article does a good job of explaining how simple the process can be. However, she did have help from a Spanish-speaking friend and some translation services. Would you consider moving abroad in retirement or during your working years?
More Hotels Around the World Report an Average Rate of Over $1,000.
When a hotel charges $1,000 per night, images of opulence and luxury come to mind. However, many of these hotels with sky-high nightly rates are just basic hotels without anything luxurious about them. Of course, some of these rates are during peak demand (ex: college football, holidays, concerts), while others charge high prices even during the slow season. Have you ever paid $1,000 or more to stay in a hotel?

These Are the Only 5 Countries That Don’t Have Airports.
If you want to visit one of these five countries, you won’t do it by plane. While you can fly to a neighboring country, you’ll need to use a car, train, bus, or other transportation method to get there. As you’d expect, these countries are tiny, but they have a lot to offer. For example, I interviewed my friend AJ Saunders for my podcast episode about Monaco.
The One Thing You Should Always Do 24 Hours After Checking Out of a Hotel.
While the author suggests checking your credit card, I always get a printed and emailed copy of my bill when checking out. This way I have proof of what the charges are, and it gives me an opportunity to confirm that the charges are correct. There have been numerous instances where the hotel charged me for parking, meals, drinks, incidentals, and other fees that weren’t correct. Once you’ve done that, then confirming that you didn’t get a delayed or incorrect charge on your card is a wise move.
EVA Air’s newest Hello Kitty plane launches service from Chicago.
Have you ever wanted to fly on the Hello Kitty plane? With new service from Chicago, now’s your chance. The kid-friendly decorated plane is the fourth Hello Kitty-themed plane from EVA Air, and it departs from Chicago three times a week. Summertime flights depart on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and the schedule shifts to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during the winter.
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