Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our research to share the best travel tips, tricks, and news with you. Here are the articles for Monday, August 12, 2024, that we think you should read.
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The Morning Shave
The 22 Best Water Parks in the U.S.
Summertime may be coming to a close, but there’s still time to hit local waterparks or book a weekend getaway. This article shares some of the best water parks across the U.S. We recently visited Soaky Mountain in Eastern Tennessee, and it was awesome. We also went to Splashin Safari last summer in Santa Claus, Indiana. It was incredible! We also love Tropic Falls at OWA. What’s your favorite water park?
Delta Air Lines to Roll Out Free Wi-Fi on International Flights.
Most airlines lose internet connectivity when traveling between countries and over large bodies of water. If you’re looking to stay connected on international flights, Delta has you covered. It’s rolling out free WiFi by TMobile, and most transatlantic flights will have access by the end of summer.

10 Stunning Sky-High Walkways Around the World.
Unique attractions and stunning views are available on these sky-high walkways. Some of these locations require nerves of steel, while others are quite mellow. One of my favorites is in La Fortuna, Costa Rica. Are you brave enough to explore these walkways?
Report: TSA Won’t Drop Liquid Rule Anytime Soon.
Security theatre isn’t about to stop anytime soon, especially after the latest technology rollouts in Europe weren’t as good as hoped for, causing them to re-implement their liquid limits. Based on the latest findings, the earliest that the TSA plans on dropping these requirements is 2040! Yes, more than 15 years from now. Until then, your choices are to check bags, limit liquids to 3-1-1, or simply buy what you need upon arrival at your destination.
Every new land and attraction coming to Disneyland and Disney World in 2025 and beyond.
If you’re a Disney fan (or have young children), take a look at these amazing new rides and attractions that are in the pipeline. At D23, Disney unveiled its plans for Monsters, Inc land, at Hollywood Studios, a Cars-themed area at Frontierland in the Magic Kingdom, and a land celebrating villains at Magic Kingdom. Pretty amazing! Especially the focus on villains, which normally don’t receive as much attention.
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