Best Observation Decks, Hotel Gyms Getting Better, Why You Should Search Multiple Travel Portals

Seattle Space Needle by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash
The Space Needle in Seattle. Photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash.
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Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our research to share the best travel tips, tricks, and news with you. Here are the articles for Saturday, January 6, 2024, that we think you should read.

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The Morning Shave

Hotel Gyms Are Getting Better and Better.

Hotel gyms are stepping up their game and may even be better than some local gyms. People are taking their health more seriously (at least in January), and hotels are responding by offering more healthy options. These gyms no longer have just a couple of bikes and a few pieces of equipment. Many are so stocked with the latest equipment that they could charge a monthly subscription fee. Do you take advantage of hotel gyms when you travel?

Alaska Airlines grounds Boeing 737-9 Max planes after fuselage plug appears to blow off in flight, forcing emergency landing.

Scary situation with an Alaska Airlines flight from Portland, Oregon, to Ontario, California. The flight made an emergency landing in Oregon shortly after it departed for California. Luckily, nobody was injured, and the plane was able to land safely. Alaska Airlines has since grounded all of its 737-9 Max planes to do a thorough inspection.

Photo courtesy of Alaska Airlines.
Photo courtesy of Alaska Airlines.

Save Money by Searching on Several Travel Portals.

People are busy, so they often turn to travel portals to find the best deal from multiple airlines, hotels or rental car companies. While these sites offer an easy way to compare prices, not all travel portals offer the best deals. This article shows why you should check multiple travel portals before booking so you can lock in the best price and save money on your trip.

The 8 Best Observation Decks in the U.S.

Observation decks take advantage of the tallest buildings in city centers. They offer incredible views of the surrounding areas but can come with a big price tag to enter. I’ve experienced a few of these incredible attractions, and I highly recommend them… as long as you’re not afraid of heights. Especially the ones with clear plexiglass floors where you can see straight down!

The TSA Is Testing Samsung Mobile ID Verification in Arizona.

The TSA is looking to speed up airport security by testing new ID verification technologies. At some airports, you don’t need to present an ID or boarding pass because they use facial recognition. In Arizona, the TSA is using mobile ID verification for Arizona driver’s licenses and IDs if you have a Samsung cell phone. It will be interesting to see how this technology evolves and which tech airports adopt.

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