Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our personal research and to share the best travel tips and tricks with you. Here are the articles for Saturday, February 24, 2018, that we think you should read.
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The Morning Shave
Airlines will soon customize prices for each customer… – This could be really good for some people, but I don’t trust that the airlines will use this technology solely for good intentions. Always remember that you can use incognito mode when searching for airfares and hotel room rates to compare. You can always add your loyalty number AFTER you book your reservation!
Did you know wine can be checked for free at 29 US airports? – I didn’t know this. Even more reason to check out local wineries and bring some of that delicious red (or white) nectar home to relive the memories of your vacation.

Israel Helps Foil ISIS Attack On Etihad Flight From Sydney To Abu Dhabi! – Just because we haven’t had a terrorist attack recently, doesn’t mean those people aren’t trying to ruin our lives. I’m glad that security services around the world remain vigilent to keep us safe.
Theme Parks Are All Raising Their Prices — Here’s How Much You Can Expect to Pay This Year. – It gets more and more expensive every year to take a family to amusement parks. As these costs continue to increase, using miles and points to reduce the cost of getting there and having a place to stay becomes even more important.
10 Ways to Travel and Save Money on Hotels. – Speaking of saving money, check out these 10 tips to save money on travel and hotels. Also, check out the articles we wrote about how to save money on airport parking and how to save money on holiday travel.
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Very cool. However, don’t some states not allow you to bring them in? We were thinking of bringing wine to a celebration in Virginia but we were told we were not allowed by their state laws to bring wine in…