Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our personal research and to share the best travel tips and tricks with you. Here are the articles for Wednesday, May 12, 2021, that we think you should read.
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The Morning Shave
Credit-Card Debt Keeps Falling. Banks Are On Edge. – Banks love to keep us in debt because that’s how they make so much money. Watch out for even more aggressive offers to entice people to spend more to earn massive bonuses.
American Airlines is adding refueling stops to some flights as fuel pipeline hack chokes supplies. – The impact of the fuel pipeline hack is starting to get ugly for consumers and businesses. Hopefully, Colonial figures out a workaround quickly before it gets even worse as people start traveling for Memorial Day weekend and the summer.

CDC allows Covid-19 home tests for international reentry. – As testing becomes more accurate and affordable, at-home testing for COVID will become easier and more acceptable to airlines and destinations.
Margaritaville Island Reserve Coming to the Dominican Republic in October. – Anything that involves margaritas has my attention. The pictures of the resort look gorgeous, so if you’re planning an all-inclusive Caribbean getaway this winter, this resort may be the perfect spot for you.
12 Street Food Rules You Don’t Know You’re Breaking in Asia. – Street food is one of the unique experiences in many of the places we travel to. Before you take off on your next trip, follow these tips to make sure you’re doing it right.
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