Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our research to share the best travel tips, tricks, and news with you. Here are the articles for Wednesday, December 21, 2022, that we think you should read.
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The Morning Shave
How to Properly Pack a Bottle of Wine or Liquor in Your Suitcase.
If you like to sample wines while traveling, you may fall in love with a bottle and want to take some home. But how do you do it since you can’t take liquids on your carry-on? The obvious choice is to pack your suitcase properly and check your bag. You can also ask the winery if they ship bottles if you’re afraid the bottle may break in transit.
UK funds Virgin Atlantic’s net zero transatlantic flight.
Airlines are exploring ways to reduce their costs and impact on the environment with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). This flight was fueled primarily by waste oils, like used cooking oil and fats, to achieve a net zero impact. While this technology will take awhile before its widely adopted, test flights like this bring us one step closer to that reality.

Flights to Europe for Less Than $500? 5 Under-the-Radar, Temptingly Affordable Airlines.
While we often default to the Big 3 domestic airlines when searching for flights, you may find better deals on lesser-known carriers. These incredible deals can save a lot of money and give you a chance to try out a new airline on your next vacation.
TSA Raising Fines After Finding a Record Number of Guns in Carry-Ons.
I own guns and have taken several safety classes. One of the most important rules they teach you is to know where you can (and can’t) bring your gun. That’s part of the huge responsibility of gun ownership. Obviously, these people aren’t being as responsible as they should be and making it harder on the rest of us who are. Frankly, I’m glad that the fines and penalties are increasing for people who are so careless.
We Asked Flight Attendants: Should Passengers Tip Cabin Crew?
Tipping is getting out of control. Suddenly, everyone who does their job expects a tip. I would rather pay higher prices for goods & services and have employers pay their employees properly. That way we can adopt other countries’ approach of tipping only for extraordinary service… not as a way to make up for employers underpaying their employees and disguising the true cost of their product or service.
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