Welcome to The Morning Shave for Friday, February 21, 2025. In today’s news, you’ll learn about Southwest’s mass layoffs, how everyone survived the Toronto crash, and the steps Spirit is taking to emerge from bankruptcy by March 2025. Visit BaldThoughts.com/tms to read all the stories.
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The Morning Shave
Why did a plane crash in Toronto, and how did everyone survive?
Accidents are inevitable, but there seem to be a lot of them happening in 2025. While the videos of this crash landing were scary, we are relieved everyone survived. From the video, it looks like one of its wings struck the runway, and the plane flipped over. Delta has already sent each of the 80+ passengers a $30,000 check with no strings attached.
Dallas-based Southwest Airlines announces mass layoffs, cutting 15% of corporate workforce.
There’s trouble in Dallas as the company lays off 15% of its workers. Southwest has been lagging behind its peers in recent years in terms of revenue growth and profitability. That’s why the airline is switching to assigned seating and implementing many of the add-on fees that competing airlines charge. These layoffs are further examples of its focus on boosting profits over customer satisfaction.

Airbus exploring double-level airplane seat design.
We’ve seen rumors and mock-ups of this seating arrangement for years, but no airline has dared to implement it… so far. If this Airbus design catches on, be prepared for an insane level of crammed-in passengers. Truly stuff that nightmares are made of. And the irony of them calling it the “Chaise Lounge” is laughable if they weren’t serious about it.
Spirit Airlines Clears Major Hurdle in Bankruptcy Plan.
The airline’s bankruptcy is getting closer to an end after the court approved the conversion of $795 million in debt into equity. As part of the deal, Spirit will also sell additional equity to bring in another $350 million in cash through a private sale. It should emerge from bankruptcy and become a private company sometime in the first quarter of 2025. Based on that, Frontier’s potential merger/acquisition is off the table (for now, at least).
Here’s Why You Should Let That Fart Rip on Planes, According to Science.
A little fun to end today’s collection of articles. Farting on a plane can smell bad momentarily, but it can lead to longer-lasting problems if you don’t let it rip. And it’s a bit worse for your fellow travelers since there’s no way to escape the stench. My recommendation is to always turn on your air vents once you sit down… It dissipates any smells and provides a little bubble around you to minimize exposure to airborne germs.
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