Welcome to The Morning Shave. We read a ton of travel articles each day for our personal research and to share the best travel tips and tricks with you. Here are the articles for Sunday, March 29, 2020, that we think you should read.
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The Morning Shave
What to do if your travel plans are impacted by the coronavirus. – The situation seems to change day-by-day with how hotels, airlines, and other travel companies are treating travel reservations. Any article that you read could be outdated by the time it is written, so do your research and double-check with the airline, hotel, or company to ensure you have the latest information.
Do frequent flyer miles survive airline bankruptcies? It depends. – This is a scary prospect for us all. We all know that we should “earn and burn” our miles, but it also makes sense to keep some for emergencies, last-minute travel, or when saving up for a big trip. I have close to 3 million airline miles and hotel points across a bunch of loyalty programs. What will happen to our miles and points if they go bankrupt?

Will we see the return of removed frequent flyer perks when flights start again? – Airlines and hotels have really pulled back on the benefits offered to elites (and all travelers) over the past few years. Business was so good that we put up with it and still handed over our money. Now that the world is changing (even if only for a little bit), airlines and hotels will have to offer big incentives to encourage travel once it is safe to do so. It will not be business as usual. Corporations will realize that employees can do a Zoom call without flying across the country for a meeting. That means fewer elites and fewer big-dollar tickets being paid for with corporate credit cards.
It’s Hard to Believe How Empty the World’s Top Tourist Destinations Are Due to Coronavirus — Until You See These Photos. – The last few years, a lot of people have been writing about overcrowding at popular tourist sites around the world. It is hard to imagine these destinations being empty. But they are right now. When things return to normal, we can’t oversaturate some of these delicate attractions, but we also can’t forget that the economy of many of these cities and countries heavily relies on tourism to survive.
Need a Travel-inspired Break? This Spot-the-difference Game Will Give You a Dose of Wanderlust. – Spot-the-difference was a fun game I used to love to play while reading Spotlight Magazine in doctor and dentist magazines growing up. Now, the game has a grown-up twist focused on popular travel destinations around the world. Give it a try and see if you can find the differences between the two pictures.
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