Southwest Airlines is in the process of rolling out TSA PreCheck to the airports in which they fly. PreCheck allows you to skip the lines and keep your shoes, jacket, and belt on and your laptop and liquids in your bag.
I get my PreCheck membership through Global Entry. I recently went through the process of getting my 2 1/2 year old son Global Entry. It was very easy to apply for Global Entry, but getting an appointment took awhile given our schedules. Last Friday, I drove to LAX with my son for our 7:40am appointment and the whole process took 5 minutes once his name was called.

In This Post
How Do I Update My Southwest Airlines Account?
To update your account, first log in. Then, click on My Account (under your points balance), then My Preferences…
Then click on Contact Information…
Then click on edit to enter your Known Traveler Number
When I tried to save my information, the website wouldn’t save it. So, I called the Southwest Customer Service number at 800-435-9792 and the kind lady updated my information within a couple of minutes.
During the call, I also provided the Known Traveler Number for my wife and son, and she updated their accounts as well.
Booking New Reservations
As I understand it, when you book a new reservation, your number should automatically populate. If not, there is now a box for you to enter your Known Traveler Number. And, if you forget, I’m sure you’ll be able to add it to your reservation when you check in online or at the ticket gate at the airport.
Adding Known Traveler Number To Existing Reservations
While on the phone, I asked the lady if I could add my Known Traveler Number to my reservations, and she said yes. So, I gave her all of my confirmation numbers and she quickly added them.
If you hate waiting in lines, removing your shoes, belt, jacket, etc., and having to take your laptop and liquids out of your bag, then TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are for you! Many other airlines have implemented PreCheck into their boarding passes, and now so has Southwest Airlines. Getting through security has been a pain in the post-9/11 world, but finally airlines are starting to make life a little easier for us.